Monday, June 2, 2014

"Delightful Pulp" author Mickey J. Corrigan Talks About Writing and More

Welcome my guest, Mickey J. Corrigan, known to write delightful pulp and more for

Originally from Boston, Mickey lives and writes and gets into trouble in South Florida. Mickey has published fiction in literary journals and online magazines. Novellas include Dream Job, a cyber romance which has been compared to Twilight Zone and The Matrix; Professional Grievers, a romantic comedy set among funeral and wakes; Me Go Mango, a girls' reunion gone wild; and Geekus Interruptus, the story of a not-so-bright woman who falls in love with a nerd. Sugar Babies is a novel about the soft prostitution industry, a thriller.
The Wild Rose Press is publishing Mickey's new series, The Hard Stuff. Each novella in the series focuses on a tough woman in a tough situation who falls for a man—aand not the best man in her current circumstances. Mickey's romances are not normal love stories. Her stories are gritty, wild and dark, but often darkly funny. The protagonists are kickass women. They have spunk and sass. Their romantic involvements are unusual. These are not nice girls pursued by men with bouquets of roses and bottles of champagne. Love comes hard, but it is oh so real.

Your writing:

When did you write your first book? How long did it take you to write it?

I wrote my first book in grad school, a textbook. It took a year to complete and a year to find a publisher. I was sure it would be a bestseller. Even though it was a textbook! I had a lot to learn.

Did you encounter any obstacles in writing? What are they? How did you overcome them?

For me, the actual writing is never an obstacle. The hurdles are selling to the best publisher for the book (or short fiction or whatever), then reaching the right audience. I still struggle with these hurdles every day.

What do you think about editing?

Editing is SO important! I work as a professional editor myself so I believe in the editing process. I usually love my editors, although I have had the occasional problem editor over the years. But mostly, my editors have helped to improve my work, giving my work shape and catching all the little errors and oversights it is so hard for a writer to see. Editors have guided me with title selections, cover designs, and plot holes. I'm a careful writer and I've been writing for a living for many years, but I would not want to publish a book without a good editor on the case.

Where and when do you write? Tell us about your favorite work place and time. Any special reason?

I write at my desk in my home office which overlooks a small lake. There are palm trees, mango and avocado trees, and all kinds of birds like herons, osprey, and hawks. Also iguanas, feral cats, raccoons. Plenty of beauty to distract me, but I'm pretty good at staying focused. I work all day. I'm a workaholic, but I take a lot of breaks.

How do you write? Do your characters come to you first or the plot or the world of the story? How do you go on from there? Maybe you can give us an example with one of your books.

With fiction, I may start with a title that pops into my head. That's what happened with Geekus Interruptus and, most recently, F*ck Normal. Or the idea or theme might be something I want to pursue, such as what if our dreams could be invaded by others using special software (the plot for Dream Job). I was curious about the world of sugar babies and sugar daddies (you see a lot of it here in South Florida), so I researched heavily before writing the thriller Sugar Babies. Occasionally the characters will come to me first. That's why I wrote my first novel, after I saw a young woman waiting for a bus. Her story just came to me and I pursued it on paper.

What books can you recommend to aspiring writers to improve on style, character development, plot, structure, dialogue, etc?  

I don't study writing books or take classes. I read a lot of fiction, memoir, and exciting nonfiction, and I reread the best books to learn how the writers I most admire accomplish what they do. I always tell my clients to read, read, read. And to join a writers group. And to be patient. Writing is a craft and, like any craft you want to learn, it takes time to get good at it.

Your books:

What genre(s) do you write? Why do you write the stories that you write?

I've published nonfiction including textbooks, educational books for young readers, health books, cookbooks, and celebrity bios. My fiction ranges from literary fiction to erotic romance and dark thrillers. I write the books that intrigue me. I learn about myself in the process. It's fun.

Have you ever wanted to write your book in one direction but your characters are moving it in another direction? What did you do in such a situation?

Yes, most of the time I think I know where I'm going but my characters know better. It's like a dream. You are there, it's yours, but you are not really in control. Like life, I guess. You gotta go with the flow, but sometimes you have to fight for what you want.

Tell us more about your latest release, Mai Tai Guy from The Wild Rose Press.

A FREE READ, Mai Tai Guy is a short story about a woman on the eve of her 30-year high school reunion who is still in love with her high school boyfriend. So many of us have this problem. Puppy love can dog a woman for a lifetime! The free read is available from the publisher as part of The Hard Stuff, a new series from The Wild Rose Press. All of the novellas in The Hard Stuff series are gritty, funny, and crazy. Each story takes place in Dusky Beach, where a troubled woman finds more trouble when she falls in love--with the wrong guy, of course.

Any new projects, work in progress?

Over the past few months, The Wild Rose Press has released two novellas in The Hard Stuff series: Whiskey Sour Noir and Vodka Warrior. Two more books in the series are in press: Tequila Dirty and RealLife Rum. Makes you thirsty just reading about these little books, doesn't it?

I also have a novella and a novel in press with the Australian publisher Bottom Drawer Publications. F*ck Normal is the story of a couple on the verge of separation who pursue their fantasies—and discover some surprising things about themselves. It's a zany romantic comedy and will be released as a Kindle Select title the first week in June. The other title with BDP is a coming of age novel due out at the end of the summer.

What is your favorite part of writing?

            I love writing, rewriting, and editing. The whole creative process is a challenge and a joy to me. It's hard work, but I love hard work.  

What is your least favorite part of writing?

            I do not like promotion. This interview is fun, of course, but in general I don't like to run around telling people to read my work. Writers tend not to like this aspect of the job. But it's real and it has to be done.

            I rely on Goodreads, book review bloggers, and my own website. I work with my publishers on generating publicity. But I have not created a place for myself on Facebook or Twitter. I hesitate to do so because writing time is so scarce and I like to spend as much of it as I can actually writing and editing. But that might not be the wisest course of action these days. I'm not sure. The consensus is out on whether the authors who self-promote the most are the authors with the largest audience. Or if those with the largest audience are forced to spend the most time in the media. Which came first, the bestseller or the visible author? Most of my writer friends are not happy with the results of the time they've spent on social media.

            I write because I love it. I hope to reach readers who also love to read my kind of stories. I'm Irish so I believe luck has a lot to do with what happens once you are done creating and editing your work. I wish all the aspiring and hardworking writers out there much good luck!

How would readers find out more about you?

Visit  my website  or visit me on Goodreads
See Mai Tai Guy on All Romance Ebooks

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